After you receive international protection, you will be asked to leave the reception center. You have the right to stay for 2 months in a reception center and search for your own home. If not, you will have two options:
As soon as you are recognised as a refugee in Belgium, you will have to look for your own studio, apartment or a house.
It is very complicated to find a place for a refugee to find a place especially if he/she gets help from CPAS/OCMW and does not have a job. You should use your all network and contact to succeed. Receiving your electronic A card will be more helpful than having an orange card to find a living place.
Following persons/organisations can help you in this way:
- Your own personal network (through friends, acquaintances)
- Volunteers who will be introduced from some NGO or. Non-profit organisations
- CPAS/OCMW and your social assistance
- Social assistances in organisations for newcomers
You may look for a house on the private market through an estate agency or on the social market:
- Social Rental Office (SVK/AIS) or the Social Housing Company (SHM/SLS) offer houses to people who need a home
- Websites to look for housing
Check that the house is in good condition. Is there enough space? Are there damp patches? Is there water, heating and electricity? Is the house a safe place for your family?
Make sure you do not pay too much! Ask your social worker, or trusted person who has been living in Belgium for some time, for advice.
The landlord and you (the tenant) have to sign a rental contract.