CAW (The Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (centres for general well-being)) is a Flemish network-organisation made up of 11 centres spread across Flanders and Brussels. They offer expert help and services to anyone with welfare questions and problems providing advice and counseling on a diverse range of topics (mental health, administration issues and others), including on migration issues. In addition, CAW may provide temporary shelter to those in need.
CAW focuses on welfare issues, including those related to sexual orientation and gender identity. In Brussels. they conduct interviews in Dutch or any other language with or without an interpreter, but French-speaking persons are referred to specialised organisations. People can contact them through various means, such as chat, email, phone, or in-person meetings. The CAW also operates a center called JAC (Jongeren Advies Centrum) that addresses the welfare concerns of individuals aged 12 to 25. The JAC provides assistance with a range of issues, such as problems at home, finding a place to live, questions about sex, experiencing violence or abuse, financial problems, drug-related concerns, bullying, and providing information about moving out or one's rights and responsibilities. Anyone can approach JAC with their queries or problems.