Regenbooghuis aan zee


Churchstraat 11

8400 Ostende

+32 59427834

E-mail 1

E-mail 2





Regenbooghuis aan zee (Rainbow house by the sea) or West Flemish Rainbow House is a welcoming safe space and a community center in West Flanders for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies, providing a sense of home and support. It serves as a hub for connecting with others and accessing information concerning SOGIESC. Regenbooghuis aan zee actively spreads awareness, disseminates information, and conducts campaigns. It aims to provide support, resources, and a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ communities and enhance the visibility of LGBTQIA+ individuals, diminish social stigmas, and foster acceptance and positive perceptions of sexual, romantic orientation, gender and/or sex diversities.  

Regenbooghuis aan zee is a place where LGBTQIA+ individuals including  people with migration background can seek guidance and support. The organisation offers a listening ear and provides information on various themes related to these topics. The reception team of volunteers is available for welcome confidential interviews every day (including weekends) without an appointment, from 14:00 to 19:00 at the meeting center, "HetRAINBRAIN HOUSE aan Zee" located at Kerkstraat 11, 8400 Oostende. They also offer the service via email or telephone. However, if you require regular psychological guidance, they will assist you in finding a suitable support service.

Within the organisation, they have active subgroups on Facebook that cater to specific communities, including:  

  • Gaylife@Oostende (a group designed for men within the LGBTQIA+ community)
  • Butterfly and friends (a group created for transgender individuals and their allies) and Girlfriends@Sea (a group specifically for women within the LGBTQIA+ community).  

These Facebook groups provide platforms for members to connect, share experiences, and support one another.

Their website serves as a platform to provide information about their mission, upcoming events, and various initiatives. It also offers resources and links to other relevant organisations and services that can assist individuals seeking additional support or information.